OPIMsoft -- Expert on Offshore Pipeline Software Solution
  OPLAS Offshore Pipeline Laying Analysis System Upgrading Log:
  OPIES Offshore Pipeline Integrity Evaluation System Upgrading Log:
  OFFPIPE WaveSpec Upgrading Log
OFFPIPE WaveSpec 1.0.3 (Latest Version):

Online on July 15, 2016
1. Improved interface apperance.
2. Added main menu and tool bar.
3. View result directly on interface.

OFFPIPE WaveSpec 1.0.2:

Online on April 17, 2015
1. Improved compatibility in Windows 7.
2. Apperance adjusted slightly.
3. Be a sub software of OFFPIPE Enhancement Toolbox.

OFFPIPE WaveSpec 1.0.1:

Online on October 25, 2013
1. Start logo added.
2. Help chm file added.

OFFPIPE WaveSpec 1.0.0 (Original Version):

Online on October 23, 2012

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